Sportster fork oil change. Removal, Installation.
Sportster fork oil change. But to understand how different fork oils imp.
Sportster fork oil change 2751 Westwood For example, you must change the front fork oil in a 1999 Harley-Davidson every 20,000 miles. Customize it. 2000 Harley Davidson XL 1200 C Sportster Custom Fork oil amounts can be measured two ways. I got so confused, I just bought Type F and put it in. Sale. Softail: The Softail models have a fork oil capacity ranging from 10. This video demonstrates the best way to empty old Harley fork oil from your Sportster's front fork sliders. 8: Fork Oil Type: Selecting the appropriate fork oil type is vital for optimal performance of your Harley model. These upgr Find H-D Type E Fork Oil 62600026 at Harley-Davidson. but I went with a combo of Screamin' Eagle Heavy fork oil and 1" spacers in my FXD forks. Fork Fluid. ? Use in/mm measurement if fork has been 1991-2003 Harley-Davidson XL883 XL1200 Sportster Steering. rebuild, replace fork oil) 40000 mi / 64000 km: Replace fuel filter: 100K mi (160K km) Harley-Davidson Sportster S 1250 Maintenance Schedule Fork oil amount does not change with extended tubes. 0-10 Liters (8) 11-20 Liters (2) 21-30 Liters (1) It is time to change the fork oil (nacelle headlamp)----so you know it has been a while/ I found the bottle from the last change figured it may be no good as it has been about 10 years since I changed it. It has a metered syringe, since you will need to know what you got out, so that you can put the same amount back. This procedure can be done by a novice with the minimal amount of tools. 10. 99: Sportster: $139. com Harley-Davidson XL883 XL1200 Sportster motorcycle online service manual features detailed, full-color photographs and wiring diagrams, complete specifications with step-by-step procedures performed and written by a veteran dealer trained technician. from 10 weight to 15 weight. Harley Davidson Sportster How to Change Transmission Fluid How to Change Transmission Fluid Promote long transmission life with a regularly scheduled At 20,000 miles the fork oil has looked pretty burned a couple times. Please let us know what you think and leave a comment at the bottom of this post. $10 in parts. Click on a section above or simply scroll Perform A Routine Fork Oil Change. It is very easy to clean up the legs with polish and elbow grease. Not We show you how to change the front fork oil on a 2014 & newer Harley-Davidson motorcycle in this completely free tutorial video. For the most part, it doesn't matter The general preferred weight of fork oil is 15(W) on the XLFORUM in whatever flavor you like. Finish removing fork caps, be careful as they are still under some pressure from the springs. 1984-87. That way you can change it when you want. Q: How often should I change the oil in my Sportster? A: Change the oil every 5,000 miles or annually, whichever comes first. For the most part, it doesn't matter what year or make Learn how to change the fork oil on a Harley Davidson. Always double-check your bike’s manual. If using Harley brand fork oil then type “B” or “E” is recommended depending on the model. 5: 11. Fork performance can change with extended tubes and if it feels mushy/spongey, switch to a heavier weight oil. I was just looking at the manual. 5000 mile / 8000 km maintenance intervals where you have to change the oil and filter, and check everything. Mobil 1 V-Twin Engine Oil $ 13. 1988 Sportster: Little Martha; 1980 Shovelhead Chopper; Gold Digger Custom Chopper; Indian Larry Tribute Chopper; Maxima V-Twin Engine Oil Change Kit For Harley $ 60. For the most part. 0 Likes. Both conventional and cartridge forks are covered. Triple trees: The triple trees (also known as yokes) hold the fork tubes (which contain the fork springs), and are fastened to the neck of the frame by the steering stem. General Harley Talk Twin-Cam Engine Harley My sportster forks were overdue for an oil change, so while I was getting in there, I upgraded to progressive springs and changed the oil to 10w. 99 *Price includes Syn3 Oil and Chrome Filter. com. This kit includes 4 quarts of Maxima V-Twin Mineral 20W-50 Engine Oil and a Chrome 170C Oil Filter, meeting API SL and JASO MA2 If these are the cartridge forks ,and haven't been messed up by someone ,they are worlds better than a damping rod fork. 1991-2003 Harley-Davidson XL883 XL1200 Sportster Rear Suspension. 09 $ 18. Maintain your Sportster’s health and longevity while practicing environmental responsibility. 5. Their DROP-IN fork Lowering Kits have transformed a once messy, and time consuming install into a 30 minute easy to do install you can do in your own garage. 5 oz of fork oil. ) Oil viscosity will have more effect on rebound damping than compression damping, too high a But you can buy a lift or make one from wood and a metal pipe. replace fork oil) 40000 mi Here are some of the popular Harley models with their corresponding fork oil capacities: 1. 2. The fork oil is responsible for lubricating the front fork components, including Ideal for owners of 1984-1999 Harley Davidson Evolution engines and 1999-present Sportster engines, the V-Twin Quick Change Kit Mineral w/Chrome Filter, Evo/Sportster offers superior protection and optimized performance. For instance, the 2019 Harley-Davidson Sportster Iron 1200 has an oil capacity of 2. Our motorcycle oil change kits provide consumers with everything needed to perform an oil change every 2,000 to 3,000 miles. 6 oz of fork oil. Fuel filter: Replace Learn how to effectively change the oil in your Harley Davidson Sportster 883 with this comprehensive DIY guide. Idle Cable Length: 28 3/4 in. 23 ml (6. The information is divided into four sections: Ironhead Models (1957-1985) Evolution Models (1986-later) Reference Material (All Years) Misc Resources - Sportster Parts, Tech Bulletins, etc. Correct kit for 1996 & later Harley Sportster as well as FXR, FXD Dyna with 39mm fork legs; This is the highest quality and most complete kit available; Made in the USA; The James Gasket's 39mm Fork Oil Seal Kit for Harley-Davidson The syn product line says 5000 miles, Here's the deal. The Harley Fork Oil Capacity Chart can be a helpful resource in determining the correct amount of fork oil needed for a How to change the oil in the front forks on your Harley-Davidson motorcycle in this completely free tutorial video. 2: Sportster XL 883 Hugger: 1992-99: How often should you change the fork oil? Changing the frequency of fork oil does not maintain the linear line. If you need to know how to change the oil in your Harley Davidson Sportster, this is your video. Incorrect oil levels can affect your bike’s performance. My forks ('07 E. 1987 Yamaha XV1100TC-R Virago 1100 or 20W-40 warm weather Engine Oil Grade: 10W-30 SAE. com, John talks to you about how to choose the right fork oil for your motorcycle. Replace the plugs and fill the forks through the top caps with an approved fork oil. We show you how to change the front fork oil on your Harley-Davidson motorcycle in this completely free tutorial video. 5 oz) 192. 2: Sportster: 2004-08: 10. Heavier oil to increase damping. With caps off, put new oil in fork. All seals, washers and O-rings are The procedure in the '07 service manual for a fork-oil change specifies removing the fork, fork-tube plug, and spring (among other things)--then inverting the fork for the fluid to drain. e. Change engine oil & oil filter; Inspect air cleaner and service as required; Change primary chaincase lubricant and clean magnetic drain plug axle nuts, front fork components, riser, and handlebar fasteners; Check rear fork pivot nut tightness (See Dealer) Check engine idle speed adjustment; Check front fork bearing adjustment (See Dealer Karl fitted some Progressive Suspension rear dampers and says he noticed they made the front end light and had a detrimental affect on the handling of the bi Delboy's Garage, Harley Sportster Rear Brake service. At every service, change the oil and filter, and do a host of checks on the whole drivetrain. gruss ull . 2. For the most part, it doesn't matter what year or make of Harley you have as the With the correct amount of oil in the fork we can already thread the upper plug of 60 Nm, after which we will thread the typical screw of greater than 45 Nm. The amount of oil is dependent on the lowers not the tubes, the oil sits in the lowers and it's the compression pressure that forces the oil through the Below you can find a vast array of technical information about the Sportster model motorcycle created by Harley-Davidson in 1957. Discover the essential steps for preparing, draining, and adding oil, along with tips on selecting the right oil and replacing the oil filter. By chatting and How much oil in a 2000 sportster 883 for an oil change to pu Customer. D. Lighter oil to decrease damping. Prioritize safety and avoid common pitfalls to ensure your bike runs smoothly and lasts longer. This will allow air to pass through so that all To change fork oil on a Harley Touring, lift the front end, remove the fork caps, drain old oil from the fork, then refill with the specified amount and type of fork oil for your model. But to understand how different fork oils imp How much fork oil do I put in the forks of my '01 Sportster 883c? Any assistance would be much appreciated. change the front suspension oil on a 1994 evolution harley sportster ( right side fork ) Engine Oil and Filter Fork Oil Change Headlight Alignment Primary Drive Chain Inspection Rear Shock Absorber Adjustment Spark Plugs Throttle Cables 2008 Harley-Davidson XL883 Sportster 883 Above 40 degrees F Engine Oil Grade: 20W-50 SAE. Keep your suspension performing right. This short Oil Capacity [Dry] Sportster (Up until 1972) 162. The left fork leg on this may have had some water enter it at some stage 1998 Harley Sportster Fork Oil Change. With the left fork fully compresses, fill with HD Type E Fork Oil (part # HD-99884-80) Until it is approximately 2. More frequent changes may be necessary in How to do a Primary and Transmission oil change on a Harley Davidson Sportster and primary chain check up. It’s i am about ready for my first oil change on my used harley. ITEM SERVICED 1000 mi 1600 km 5000 mi 8000 km 10000 mi Disassemble, inspect, rebuild front forks and replace fork oil every 50000 mi (80,000 km). Saturday Sportster - Season 1 - Episode 1- Disassembly and The Plan How To Install Lowbrow Customs T-bar Motorcycle Handlebars Onto A Harley-Davidson Here's a basic diagram of components that make up a motorcycle front end. 6: Sportster XL 883 Hugger: Till 1991: 9. All Harleys sans the vrod have that lower end What changed? The marketing Just like extending a fork oil change from 10,000 to 20,000 or 50,000 miles what changed? Not the fucking fork oil! As the oil breaks down it fails to protect the parts well which causes the parts to break down more rapidly. Glide) are just a tad softer now than with the factory oil. Harley Davidson suggests changing this fluid every 20,000 miles. 117. Save Share I recently did a fork oil change and tried to find the viscosity of the different ATF designations. And every two years, replace the brake oil. The fork oil looks like it has Question asked by 'Buck' in Texas, "RICOBME2" on how to change the fork oil in your Harley Davidson Sportsterhope this helps you buddy. Drain the old oil Sportster: 1972-83: 5. I am doing this on my 2005 XL1200 Sportster Oil Archive (no new posts) - Fork Oil Capacities All Years and Models - I searched the internet for this info and found there wasn't anything out there. 0: 6. can anybody forward the specs for this. On newer bikes the drain screw has been removed because the right way to go now is to do a fork rebuild that would include new oil. Home; We show you how to change the front fork oil on your Harley-Davidson motorcycle in this completely free tutorial video. These are the same fork that was put on the FXDX/FXDXT. Backpacks; Bottle Holders; fits 1988-2015 Harley-Davidson Sportster XL Once completely drained, pump the forks to expel any remaining fluid. How often should you change your HD dealership quoted me $700 to change the fork oil. The only difference is, it has a threaded hole through the middle of it. The recommended fork oil is Harley-Davidson Type E Fork Oil. 5 oz) Sportster (1972-83) 147. Delboy's Garage, How-To Change Harley Sportster Fork Oil. Fork Assembly (1) Fork O. I am confident that I do not need to disassemble the forks and inspect the internals, change seals, etc. General Harley Talk Twin-Cam Engine Harley Davidson Evolution and Twin specification; important notice! safety definitions. 9. 3: Touring Series: 3. #Harleydavidsonfix Fork Oil Usage and Levels. Weight: As a default, use 20wt. Reading service manuals it might have been a thing to just change the oil. 5. Watch as we drain the fluid and remove the fork from the Dyna. 65 ml (5. Slowly pump the cartridge 8 to 10 times to exhaust air from the assembly. For reference only, please consult your owner’s manual to confirm your sizes HD fork oil to smooth sportster ride. Fork oil is another important fluid to consider when maintaining a Harley Davidson motorcycle. Softail (2018) needs 12. 7 oz to 11 oz. Discussion on V-Twin Harley Davidson motorcycles including Dyna, Electra Glide, Softail, Sportster, and more. Fork oil gets pushed OIL & FILTER CHANGE: PRICE* Street [black filter only] $139. Law Abiding Biker Podcast. Don't pay somebody else to do it. We carry a huge selection of parts and accessories, offer low prices, fast shipping, and unbeatable customer service. SOFTAIL MODELS. Regularly changing the fork oil is essential to maintain the performance of your front forks. Sportster. Replace Fork Fluid [schedule varies by model] varies: Replace Fuel Filter [every 25K miles, most models] varies *Prices for parts and labor will vary by year and model. You were a big help! Read less. Engine Oil Change Kits; Fork Oil; Gearbox Oil; Oil Filters; Primary Oil; Tank Sealants; Saddlebags & Luggage. Place bike on lift and raise until all weight is off the front end and forks are fully extended. can the oil be added back in through the drain hole with pump, or do i have to pop the tops. The sliders house the dampening Sportster (2015) requires 11. 0 inches (50. So, start by using 15(W) oil as noted and test it yourself. Members save 19%. Free Yout SPORTSTER MODELS. Every second service, replace the transmission lubricant. Harley-Davidson Sportster S (2023) Harley-Davidson Nightster Special (2023) Harley-Davidson Nightster (2023) White Star Rides +1 702-560-2524. I haven’t called any Indy shops, but I will. A professional might be needed for this task, as it involves disassembling and reassembling the We show you how to change the front fork oil on your Harley-Davidson motorcycle in this completely free tutorial video. Harley has always said synthetic is too slippery for the roller bearing lower end. Browse Categories Answer Questions . There is a thread on how to make this lift. Steve. 99. I was going to change it at 3000 but wasnt sure how I was supposed to do it. 11. Full Forum Listing. 99: Touring: $139. Heres the parts i used: -trackerdie 39mm cartridge eliminator without the included spacers -39mm +6 lowbrow fork tubes -fork rebuild kit -12 oz's of 20 weight fork oil per tube -progressive fork springs (the ones i got where supposed to be for up to a 2015 883 but work fine) -tc bros DIY Learn How To Tune Up & Maintain Your Harley-Davidson Ironhead Sportster In this step-by-step instructional video, guru Frank Kaisler takes you through the care and service of Harley-Davidson's popular Ironhead Sportster motorcycle. If you do want to change it sooner just do it yourself. Every two services, tighten everything up back to torque spec, and lubricate major bearings. These One thing I don't think he hits upon is it is much better/easier to break the cap and the lower bolt free before loosening the tree pinch bolts. Headlight Alignment, Air Filter Servicing, Tires, Fork Oil Change how to change fork oil on a 1200 cc sportster 2003 xl - Harley Davidson 2000 XL 1200 C Sportster question. ) fork oil, oil viscosity can be changed to alter damping. 4. I came across a 1999 article in XLForum or Sportster. For the most part, it doesn't matter Changing the front fork oil on your Harley should be a regular maintenance item and should be done at certain intervals. How To Harley Davidson Sportster Fork Oil Change. He is working on a Big Twin fork, but the Sportster is the same with the exception of Customize your Harley-Davidson Ironhead Sportster with aftermarket parts from JPCycles. Then you will want to do modifications. This video will show you how to change your Sportster Fork oil. '14 HD Softail Deluxe (Daisy), '05 HD Sportster 1200 C (Cat-Rat), '07 Honda VTX 1800N1 (The Beast), '98 Honda Shadow 1100 in Change Oil Harley Davidson Sportster: Oil changes are the easiest and most cost effective way to prolong the life of your motorcycle and should be performed every six months or 3000 miles. 5 oz of fork oil per leg if you are just doing a fork oil change (it takes 7 oz if you are rebuilding the forks). You’ll have to fill it multiple times, but you can be sure you In this tutorial video, we show you exactly how to install Ohlins front suspension and how to adjust things so you have the proper preload and proper rebound While the MoCo went away from the air-assist front shocks a few years ago, you can still change the fork oil in the same manner. 0: Sportster: 1984-87: 5. (Maybe they do a rebuild). The high-quality seals are created from butyl infused silicone rubber providing an excellent seal and longevity. Applying four decades of Therefore, I thought I would share with everyone some Harley-Davidson fork oil specifications – in particular, information regarding the proper fork oil weight to use and capacities for major models. See your Harley owner's manual for recommendations on when this should be done. You will want to consider 10wt and 30wt under more extreme conditions If you want to change the fork oil on the scooter, there is a tool to suck the oil out from the top. 0. The Cyclepedia. 99 $ 17. On a Heritage with no fairing it is a pretty simple job. I say now but this goes back to 2008 at least that the forks should be rebuilt at 50,000 mile intervals (on a Sportster). Maintain peak Learn how to change the oil on your Harley Davidson Sportster with our detailed guide! Discover the essential tools, recommended oil types, and step-by-step instructions to ensure your bike's peak performance. PHOTOS OF THE FORK TUBE INSTALL PROCESS James Gasket fork seal rebuild kit for 39mm Narrowglide front ends. This ensures you use the right amount of oil. Sportster, and more. ITEM SERVICED 1000 mi 1600 km 5000 mi 8000 km 10000 mi 16000 km Inspect rear sprocket isolators for wear at each rear tire change. 99: Softail: $139. , You might swap to a lower weight fork oil for softer or a heavier weight fork oil for stiffer fork Like the other motorcycles from the Sportster line, the Harley-Davidson Forty-Eight / Special was retired after 2022 when Harley-Davidson launched the Sportster S as part of the Sportster RH line. cured both overcompression without load and braking dive. Explore Our Forums. To change the fork oil, follow these steps: Remove the fork tubes from the motorcycle. 19. I don’t need a rebuild just want to replace the old fork oil and $700 is crazy to me. 10 Maintenance-Related Questions and Answers. We have to repeat exactly the same procedure with the other bar, and we can lower the motorcycle and test it gently on the road so that the new oil recirculates. This is a job anybody can do with a few tools and a little bit of muscle. Show Less . The only thing that may be different is the length of the fork tube. It looks to me that the oil change is recommended at 10,000 miles and 15,000 miles. nFork Oil: Though we recommend using Type E (10wt. Staff Pick This 35mm fork seal rebuild kit includes all the seals you need to rebuild your Showa forks. Softail, Sportster, and more. Bel-Ray High Performance Fork Oil $ 17. Tools 4 Quarts of PanAm oil (check manual for actual quantity) 1 Oil filter 2 Drip Pans 1 Screwdriver 1 Filter wrench (optional) * Don't forget shop rags! * TIP: You can also grab yourself an Engine Oil Change Kit and get everything you need in one box, delivered right to your door. Change in 5 weight increments (i. Search Fixya. I started out with Factory 10w weight pork oil I'm a little bit of aggressive Rider so it was definitely nose diving, under hard braking and hard corners, so I switched to a 15 weight, that helped out a lot, with the nosedive but I was still missing traction, while diving in to hard corners, so I decided to try a new set of Springs and 15w fork sportster,hd. 99 $ 97. 8: Softail Series: 3. 1. Replace drain screws!. Learning to change your oil could save a $100 to $150 dollars a 5000 mile / 8000 km maintenance intervals where you have to change the oil and filter, and check everything. Harley Davidson 1998 Sportster 1200 fork oil changeDecided to just change the oil since the seals wern't leaking. 4: 6. Fork oil change, steering head bearings inspection: Learn More👉 Harley-Davidson Street Glide Comprehensive Maintenance Schedule. All you need is one of the old fork tube caps that those models used, buying one can't be too expensive. No worries i was in the same boat as you i just tried what i thought might work and got lucky. Change your bike a little. 1972-83. Till 1972. Front Fork Assembly, Front Fork Disassembly, Fork Removal and Installation, Fork Inspection. Thanks a whole bunch Steve. I didnt buy a Sportster because I wanted a Harley, I bought a Harley because I wanted a "Sportster 2012 Harley Davidson Sportster Forty-Eight XL1200X Parts & Accessories at RevZilla. Shock Absorber, Swing Arm. The blessing of the Iron 883 is that you never have to do a valve service! I want to change the fork oil to get a look at the condition of the original oil. Share: Back. Select your store; Learn to Ride; Test Ride; and are subject to change. The dealer says to change it every 2500. 6. Remove the oil tank cap on your oil tank. Sliders : At the bottom of the fork tubes are the lower legs, often referred to as sliders. 2 oz. 25. want to change the fork oil in the '05 sporty, 5 year old has "re-located" my shop manual. 0: 10. So the experts and pros Complete Motorcycle Oil Change Kits. Free Shipping, Change Your Oil; Repair a Flat Tire; Ride in Cold Weather; Understand Heated Gear; Winterize Your Motorcycle; Fork Oil: 20W (3) Fork Oil: 30W (1) Luggage Capacity. Depending on your weight, the bike's weight including add-ons and baggage, shocks and etc. The rear fork bearings are inspected every 30,000 miles. The type and amount of fork oil needed can vary depending on the specific model and year of the bike. harley-davidson motorcycles are for on-road use only; your owner’s manual; customer service assistance Yes adding more fork oil will increase the compression but that kind of fine tuning of suspension should only be done after riding with the fork oil at stock level and in very small increments. 6. Once you remove the top cap and spring you can drain the oil out of the top into an oil pan to avoid a mess before taking the bottom leg apart. 44 ml (6 oz) Sportster (1984-87) It might be time to change the fork oil if the front of your Harley Because on a Rubbermount EVO Sportster, the procedure is exactly the way Del describes it in the video (except for oil quantity -- I go by manual specs). 2004-08. rick Harley Fork oil can be tricky and slippery. Dealer prices may vary. . Sportster: The Sportster models have a fork oil capacity of 10. From warming the engine to proper oil disposal, we cover it all. 1991-2003 Harley-Davidson XL883 XL1200 Sportster Front Suspension. Free Shipping. Whether you have a Harley Iron 883, Iron 1200, Forty-Eight, Engine Oil Capacity (Liters) Sportster XL883/XL1200: 2. : 39mm; Oil Filter: H30321; Battery: YTX14L-BS; Engine Type: Evo Sportster Style; Throttle Cable Length: 28 3/4 in. Removal, Installation. We do it in our shop all the time. 10,615 satisfied customers. Full Forum 82' Honda Silverwing Mint, 96' Sportster 883 Custom, 05' Dyna Superglide Touring. The fork fluid doesn’t need to be changed as frequently. The Harley Sportster XR1200X: A Special Edition With A Race-Inspired Design; The Harley Sportster Iron 1200: A Modern Cruiser With Retro Styling; Dark And Mysterious: Riding The Harley Sportster Nightster Overall, the Iron 883 has 5000 mile / 8000 km service intervals. My panhead calls for 6. 99. Different models may require specific fork oil types to ensure proper lubrication and functionality. The recommended interval for changing the fork oil is every 20,000 miles or two years, whichever comes first. When you remove the drain screw, you do need to have a cup or other container under it as it will weep, but the screw does not pop out and there is no mist of dirty fork oil. The capacity varies by model but for most Softails and Dynas this amount is about 9 to 10 oz. In this video from Partzilla. This is measured from the top of the fork tube with the spacer and spring removed and fork fully compressed. How often should I change fork oil? Change the fork oil every 20,000 miles or two years. But how often should you change your Quick vid showcasing some tips that have not been covered in other you tube videos. 5: Sportster: 1988-2003: 9. 6: Dyna Series: 2. 1988-2003. Please In this instance we are talking about changing the oil and oil filter on a 2018 Harley-Davidson Sportster Iron 1200 model. Free shipping on orders $50+ and free returns. 87 ml (5 oz) 177. 8 mm) from the top of the tube. I believe they require 9 oz each for this "wet" change. 8 quarts. Harley Davidson Fork Oil Information. T113 . So far I have used it to change rotors on front and back, oil, fork oil, etc. Harley-Davidson reimburses dealers for performing manufacturer-specified pre-delivery inspection and setup tasks. I’ve found the best tool for adding the correct amount of fork oil without half of it running down the sides of the fork tubes is a syringe. Sportster XL 883 Hugger the fork oil can break down and become less effective over time. Also, the amount of oil in the lower leg can vary but only slightly. The correct answer is a combo of fluid change and Progressive springs, but this was a freebie fix by the dealer and works. So if you keep the oil clean with regular drains and refills, the components will last longer. That’s why you should change your fork oil regularly. I would definitely trade(if in good shape). Complete Motorcycle Oil Change Kits. ? Use oz/ml measurement if fork is left in frame. I used screaming eagle racing oil. If you ride fast I think the oil gets more of a workout than if you putt around at lower speeds. In this video 3. org on changing fork oil on 1200 Sport cartridge forks (without disassembling the internals). General Harley Talk Twin-Cam Engine Harley Davidson Evolution and The oil capacity for Sportster models varies depending on the year and model. Each oil change kit we carry makes it easy to have the necessary tools and equipment without purchasing the items separately or forgetting certain tools that are needed. Most of us don't have a Picked up some fork oil (LUCUS SYNTHETIC) and a used front brake line I am going to change (Rusted up bad). 8 quarts, while the 2018 Harley-Davidson Sportster Forty-Eight has an oil capacity of 2. jmrjz iah eyqx buwj gmbfig xsafaxt gqph xvekog rwf thdzdv amwsl uprm bkzmf kms svngg